ONGC Recruitment - 351 Apprentice Vacancies In Mehsana - Apply Now
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Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited Which Is India’s Flagship Energy Major And A ‘Maharatna’ Central Public Sector Enterprise Engaged In Exploration And Production Of Oil & Gas In India And Abroad, As A Measure Of Skill Building Initiative For The Nation, Proposes To Engage Apprentices At Its Location Across 21 Work Centres. On 28/07/2020, ONGC Announced Job Notification To Hire Candidates Who Completed Any Bachelors Degree, B.A, B.B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, Diploma, Iti For The Position Of Apprentice.

Mehsana Ongc Bharti : 351 Posts
1. Accountant : 5 Posts
2. Assistant HR : 25 Posts
3. Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA) : 15 Posts
4. Draughtsman (Civil) : 5 Posts
5. Electrician : 65 Posts
6. Fitter : 90 Posts
7. Instrument Mechanic : 15 Posts
8. Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance : 31 Posts
9. Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant) : 15 Posts
10. Machinist : 10 Posts
11. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) : 55 Posts
12. Mechanic Diesel : 40 Posts
13. Surveyor : 5 Posts
14. Welder : 25 Posts
Important Date :
Issue of advertisement and call for applications : 29th July 2020
opening of online application portal : 29th July 2020 11:00 HRS
Last date for receiving of applications : 17th August 2020 18:00 HRS
Date of Result/Selection : 24th August 2020
Receive confirmation from candidates : 24th August 2020 - 1 st September 2020
HOW TO APPLY For ONGC Recruitment 2020
Candidates meeting the above prescribed eligibility criteria should visit our ONGC and apply online from 29.07.2020 11:00 HRS till17.08.2020 by 18:00 hours.
. Paper based applications will NOT be accepted.
There are two steps for Registration process. Part-I & Part-II. In Part-I registration, candidatehas to fill his/her basic details like name, category etc. and has to create his own password.After successful Part-I registration, system generated registration number is sent in hisregistered email id/SMS. With this registration number, candidate has again to login intothe system with the password generated by him. Candidates are advised to rememberregistration number and password for future reference/use.
iv. In Part-II registration, candidate has to upload his scanned photograph and signature andfurnish educational qualification, experience details etc. and submit the same. This is thefinal submission process and after that candidate cannot change the details furnished.Candidates are therefore advised to furnish the details in the portal carefully and check thesame before final submission.
Apply Online :
For Trade Apprentices- https://Apprenticeshipindia.Org/
For Technician Apprentices: Https://Portal.Mhrdnats.Gov.In/Boat/Commonredirect/Registermenunew
SELECTION Process Of ONGC Recruitment :::
Selections for engagement of Apprentices would be based on the basis of marks obtained and Merit
drawn. In case of a similar number in merit, a person with higher age would be considered. No
canvassing or influencing would be acceptable at any time and may render for non-consideration.
ONGC Recruitment - 351 Apprentice Vacancies In Mehsana - Apply Now