Gram Panchayat Details Through RTI

Know About Gram Panchayat Details Through RTI

Gram Panchayat is the base level organization representing the government and its work. Often the corruption starts from the base, eating its way up to the top. So, if you are looking for details related to Gram Panchayat, you can use RTI.

Information you can obtain
Gram Panchayat works on many fronts. You can use RTI for information about the following sections:
Budget Grants

Through RTI, you can get the copy of grant sanctioned in a given year categorised head-wise. You can also get the certified copy of taxes, allocated funds in a given year under different categories, etc.
Works and Expenditures of Gram Panchayat
You can ask for the head-wise expenses made by Gram Panchayat in a given year or over a period of time. You can also ask for information about the contracts and maintenance works awarded to the Gram Panchayat and the expenses incurred in those works. RTI also gives you the power to ask for the works that they have completed and what did they spend in those works. You can also ask for the certified copies of bills, grants and works awarded to Gram Panchayat.
How to obtain the required information
Address your requisite application to the Public Information Officer of the District. Now, submit your application to the area’s Deputy commissioner or district magistrate. Make sure you clearly mention the details you are seeking and from which Gram Panchayat. Attach the fee for the RTI of the state where that Gram Panchayat works.
The office will give you the receipt for the application and will give you a date on which you can avail the information. You can also mail the application with a DD or PO to the respective office. In case, you don’t receive the information within 30 days from the receipt of the application, the secretary of the Gram Panchayat can be penalized. However, one mistake and all your hard work will go wasted. But there is an even better way to file the RTI and that’s online.
RTI Application form for gram panchayat in India
You can also use our websites that help in filing the RTI information. We do most of the work for you and make sure that all the fields are filled accurately. All you have to do is fill a simple form and make the payment through the online portal. This avoids the mistake that you might make if you are filing the application for the first time. Our websites file the application on your behalf, making sure with the rules of the RTI. We save a lot of your time and effort and make sure you receive the information you are seeking by post within a month.
This way, you don’t have to worry about filing the application wrong and not receiving the reply even after all your hard work.
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Gram Panchayat Details Through RTI
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