std 6 to 8 school opening news

 Government reopen school news for primary school opening news most suitable option will be considered. One option is to give the students a question paper at home and have it checked by the teachers. Another option is to have the student called to a very limited number of batch wise schools and take their exams there.

While the third option is online exam. Which is the least likely option as students in rural areas have very limited smartphone and computer facility through which they can take the exam online. There will be a high-level meeting on how to conduct the exams in which each party will have its say. On the basis of which the most acceptable option will be adopted.

Bharat Gajipara, president of the Gujarat Self-Financed School Management Association, said the exams must be taken to make what is taught online meaningful. "If students are given mass promotions, then the credibility of online education will be questioned," he said.

On behalf of the parents of the students, the All Gujarat Board of Guardians demanded that mass promotion be given to the students as the schools were physically closed during the core period. He argued that it would not be appropriate to take the exam as online learning was very limited in rural areas. While the government believes that all options should be considered before making any decision.

School management, on the other hand, has increased pressure on the state government to reopen schools as many parents have refused to pay fees as the schools are not physically open. The school trustees said, "All parents will be encouraged to pay fees if schools start. Corona has caused a lot of damage to schools.


The exam will be based on the syllabus taught online. The government has refused to give mass promotion to primary schools. There have been reports for mass promotion in the media that the state's primary schools have yet to physically begin amid the Corona riots. However, the state government clarified that there were no plans to give mass promotion to students due to the epidemic. State Education Minister Chudasama said that the exams would be conducted before promoting the students to the next academic class. He further stated that, students from first to eighth and ninth as well as 11th grade will have their examinations and their exams will be based on the online syllabus taught by the schools. Speaking to our correspondent Times of India, Chudasama said, "If the entire course cannot be taught online due to the coro epidemic, it will be based on the number of courses taught to students."

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"All options for taking the exam are being considered," he said. The most appropriate option will be considered. An alternative is to give students a question paper at home and have it checked by teachers. Another option is to invite students to a very limited number of batch-wise schools and test them there. While the third option is online examination. This is the least likely option as students in rural areas have very limited smartphone and computer facilities through which they can take online exams. There will be a high-level meeting on how to conduct the examination, in which each party will present its point. Based on which the most acceptable option will be adopted. Bharat Gazipara, president of the Gujarat Self-Financed School Management Association, said that exams should be taken to make the examinations meaningful online. "If students are given mass promotions, then the credibility of online education will be questioned. On behalf of the parents of the students, the All Gujarat Board of Parents demanded mass promotion of the students, as the school's were physically closed during. Core period .

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👉Vali Samanti Patra : Click Here

He argued that it was not appropriate to take the exam as online learning in rural areas was very limited. Whereas the Government believes that all options should be considered before taking any decision. On the other hand, the school management has increased the pressure on the state government to reopen the schools

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std 6 to 8 school opening news
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